Sunday, August 10, 2008

Be careful what you wish for!

Did I seem displeased with yesterday being a normal, ordinary day? I wish today had started out that way. Instead, we woke to Bubba crying for his morning bottle. Daddy, wishing for a few more minutes of sleep before having to get up and start the day, gently nudged me until I could no longer ignore him or the crying and had to get up. After getting Bubba fed, I handed him off to Daddy and opened the door of the girls' room so that they could come eat some breakfast.

That's when I began to wish for uneventful and boring. Diva had apparently thought it was too much bother to tell us that she had to use the bathroom. She is potty trained and she knows that, although she cannot open her bedroom door from the inside, she CAN call to us to let us know that she needs to use the bathroom and we will oblige her request. When she came out of her room, she was still dripping . . . and that wasn't the worst of it. I won't disgust you with the nasty details, but she ended up getting hosed down in the shower.

After getting through that little bit of morning drama, it was approximately 8:15. Diva is in her underwear, just starting in on her poptart (I know, not the healthiest of breakfasts, but when time is of the essence, you do what you have to do), Imp has finished her poptart and is doing her best to be in the middle of whatever action she can find, Bubba is fed and burped, but not happy about having to wait in his bouncy seat. I have not had my shower yet and Daddy has not started to get dressed yet. Did I mention that church starts at 9? Thankfully, our church is not far from our home. Somehow we managed to get everyone out the door and walked into church just as the service was starting. I noticed as we were headed to the car that I had forgotten to brush Imp's hair, but at that point, it didn't really seem to matter.

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