Monday, August 11, 2008

Preschool Politics

I'm beginning to think that Diva has inherited some of Daddy's interest in politics. I already mentioned her thinking she saw Barack Obama on my computer. This past weekend she saw a campaign commercial that began with pictures of Obama. She immediately stopped playing and exclaimed, "Barack Obama!" As the commercial went on, it turned out to be a McCain commercial. When they began showing his picture, she commented, "Oh, John McCain". I relayed this story to Daddy on the way home from church on Sunday. He teasingly asked her who she was going to vote for. She thought for a minute and said "John McCain!". Lest you think she will grow up a staunch republican, when her uncle asked her the same question later in the day, she proudly answered "Barack Obama!

1 comment:

DealFinder said...

Yep, that's the age our oldest was when we introduced him to politics. He could tell you the names of the Ukrainian and Mexican presidents. Although for a while there he thought Sean Hannity was the U.S. President. And if you asked him what John Kerry said, he would reply, "I have a plan." That was great fun!