Thursday, August 7, 2008


This is my leap of faith into the world of bloggers. I have been enjoying reading a few blogs for a while and things are always happening around here that I feel the need to just share with someone. Since I am a SAHM to three kids, ages 3, 21 months and 7 weeks (yes, I know I'm certifiable), I don't get much "grown up" time to share those things. I still need to come up with clever names for the children, but as soon as I have time to think that clearly I'll introduce the rest of the family.

Have you ever noticed how kids pick up on things that you had no idea they even paid any attention to? This afternoon my 3 yr old came up to me as I sat at my computer and said "Barack Obama is on your computer!" First of all, he wasn't, but there were a couple of politician pictures on the side because I was checking the Cal-Fire website to see if they had bothered to update the info on the fire close to us right now. Second, how the heck does a 3 yr old know who Barack Obama even is? Maybe it's because his wife was on Rachael Ray this morning, maybe I've been watching the news too much. I don't know. But it sure was fun teaching her to say Governor Schwarzenegger. :-)

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