Saturday, August 16, 2008

Worn out!

Saturday has become our normal shopping day. Shopping always seems to take a lot out of me, so I was expecting to be tired, but we really packed it in today. It started with our neighbor's yard sale. They started at the unthinkable hour of 6 am, so after Bubba had his morning bottle, I took him next door with me just to see what was there. They had some good deals and I had some cash in the house, so I went home and got the girls up. I got them dressed, handed each of them a pop tart and their water bottles and we headed over to shop. Apparently in their world, it meant that they would stand there and play with the toys that were for sale while Momma held their pop tarts and water. They eventually did each settle on a "new" toy to bring home. Imp got a new doll (she is obsessed with dolls right now) and Diva got a puzzle. I also got them each a generic MagnaDoodle knock off and a castle Duplo set and my real steal of the day was that I got Bubba's next car seat for $4!!!!

After that, the girls and I got our things together and went for our real shopping trip. We made a few extra stops today. I finally decided that it's time to really start to work on making our household and grocery budget stretch as far as it possibly can. First, we went to the farmer's market and picked up some fruit and vegetables. After that, we explored the Dollar Tree store here in town just so I could see what all they had available there. They actually had a few things worth picking up, so I got those while we were there. By that time, it was noon, so we stopped for lunch. We still hadn't hit either of our regular stores at that point. We finally got home close to 3 pm and all of us were totally exhausted. The girls went straight down for nice long naps and I really wished I could have joined them today!

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