Monday, August 18, 2008

Mission Impossible ...

to keep two little girls quiet while Daddy tries to sleep. Daddy is on nights this week because of a special project. He started this shift overnight last night. He was able to get less than an hour of sleep this morning before he had to head out for a day of jury duty. That lasted until after 6 pm, and exhausted doesn't even begin to describe how he felt when he got home. He ate dinner and crashed, leaving it up to me to entertain the girls and keep them quiet for the hour between dinner and their bedtime. Oh, did I mention that I'm getting sick, Bubba has been fussy all day, Imp was sick this weekend and Diva woke up from her nap not feeling well at all.

I am SOOOO glad that I bought an art easel with the last of Diva's birthday money when we were in WalMart on Saturday. This thing is absolutely wonderful! One side is a chalkboard and one side is a dry erase board. I just put each girl in one of Daddy's undershirts and let them have at it. Diva shocked me tonight by actually intentionally writing a letter "A" without any help! They quite happily colored with the dry erase markers, chalks and chalk paints until bedtime. They were having so much fun that the real challenge ended up being getting them to bed with a minimal level of screaming on their part. Now I appear to be the only conscious one left in the house, and my level of consciousness leaves a lot to be desired. Once Bubba gets his last bottle, I have a date with my pillow.

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